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Top Agents’ Success Kit

Tips and tools to better your business in 2023.

Whether you’re just starting your own real estate business or you’re looking for ways to reach new heights, you’ve come to the right place. This Success Kit will provide you with the resources you need to thrive – regardless of market conditions. Read up and get ready to make 2023 your best year yet.

Set Your Goals

This customizable worksheet will help you examine where you are and where you want to go in terms of number of transactions, total volume, net profit, etc. — all while keeping the big picture for your business in mind.

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Put a Strategy in Place

It’s possible to emerge from a down market stronger than you went in — but only if you’ve taken the time to plan accordingly. Here are three steps you need to take now so that you can approach the shifting market from a position of strength.

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45 Ways to Boost your Social Media Presence in 2023

Be Seen on Social

Show off your business’s social side as a way to attract prospects, build industry connections and put your services on the map. Here you’ll find more than a few easy ways to choose from.

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Gain Market Share

A shifting market presents a unique opportunity for dedicated agents: Capture market share from greener, part-time agents that quit when times get tough. Here you’ll learn how to seize the moments the market presents and win.

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Prepare for What’s Next

In this Q&A-style article, Rick Sharga, Executive Vice President at ATTOM, provides a fresh forecast for market conditions in 2023 and makes predictions to help you plan ahead.

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Optimize Your Website

Your website is your digital storefront, so you’ll want to be sure it’s designed to bring in the most business possible. In this article, Side marketing masters share their best practices for maximizing your real estate website’s impact.

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