At the big-box brokerage where single mom Samantha Tov used to work, the top-producing agents were not supportive of new agents. When she first started there, she asked to join someone’s team and the team leader told her she wouldn’t make it in the business for more than a year.
Even after she and her partner, Judy Cuong, became the No. 1 team at the brokerage, they still received very little support from it. When they grew tired of marketing the brokerage’s brand at their own expense, they knew it was time to make a change.
In 2019, Samantha and Judy partnered with Side and co-founded Portfolio Real Estate. They brought with them a team of 11 agents and created a culture that was both supportive and nurturing.
Their Side Business Manager taught them “how to be business owners, not just REALTORs” — about the benefits of hiring an office manager and a transaction coordinator. They say that’s what helped them take their business to the next level.
They’ve also leveraged the Side Community for networking purposes and receive referrals from it that they say they never received at their previous brokerage.

I tell all the brand new agents, to be successful, you want to surround yourself with successful people.
Samantha Tov
Founder, Portfolio Real Estate
Elk Grove, CA